Adult learning concept

Thinking about taking the leap into tertiary education?

Whether you’re fresh out of high school or looking to pursue a lifelong passion after years of hesitation, the right approach to adult learning can help you reach your full potential with your studies.

These 5 quick tips will help you prepare for adult education.

1. Determine Your Ideal Delivery

Your lifestyle and commitments should be a key consideration when choosing how you want to study.

Perhaps you’re wondering how to study online, or maybe traditional classes are more appealing to you? Taking your time to choose the right course delivery will set you up for long-term success.

You can choose between part-time, full-time, and online learning with MyPath Education, giving you the flexibility to study where and when it suits you.

You can learn more about the benefits of online learning for adults and discover our online courses here.

2. Do Some Pre-Study Learning

Online study concept

Pre-study learning such as reading up on relevant industry news and practices can help you feel confident that you understand the subject matter before stepping into the classroom.

With so many resources available online, it’s a great idea to continue to go beyond the textbook throughout your course or qualification.

3. Create a Study Schedule

Creating a study routine is the first step to eliminating procrastination and staying on top of your time management.

Dedicate a set time to study to get into a routine and avoid leaving things to the last minute. This is particularly important if you’re juggling your adult education with a job and family.

4. Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

Group of adults studying in library

Reaching out to other students isn’t just good for socialising. Your fellow students – no matter their age – can also be a big help with your learning.

Together you can discuss the lessons, share notes, and make sure you’re on the right track with assignments.

5. Balance Work and Play

With so many commitments, it can be tough to maintain a healthy balance between work, study, family, and everything else on your plate. But it’s important to give yourself a break to avoid stress and burnout.

Remember to pace yourself and continue with the activities you enjoy.

If you’re interested in studying with MyPath Education, discover our courses and qualifications here, or call our helpful team today on 07 3489 7777 for more information.